Ep 42 It’s all about relating

Traditional business is transactional. A values driven, human centred, trauma informed business is all about relating.

Relating to yourself, the humans you want to work with and the humans you want to collaborate and hold space with.

Today I want to talk to you about relating in business as both the why and the how.

And also challenge you a little to take action to add or deepen the relating in your business.

Let's dive in.

Links, resources & mentions

Free webinar February 17th 2022 - Bridging the gap

Radicle 6 month space for relating in business (while learning & unlearning!)

Jane Charlesworth - anticapitalist business coach

James-Olivia Chu Hillman - my go to human on all things relating


Episode Transcript


Ep 43 Doing the work with Alissa Rumsey


Ep: 41 Values vs things you value